State of Graduate students and Graduate programs in US
Let us take a deep dive into Graduate Programs and Graduate schools in the US. You could find probably a good amount of information on undergraduate but we feel that the graduate program is not covered in details and does not get that much attention.
So here are some statistics
Number of Universities offering Graduate programs : 2136
Below are the enrollment numbers comparing in fall 2018.
Total Enrolled students in fall(undergraduate + graduate) “ 20.274
Graduate students fall : 3.98
Graduate students spring : 2.7
Total Graduate enrollments : 6.68
Graduate exclusive online(fall) : 0.945
Graduate in at least one distance education courses : 2.78
Enrollment micro-credentials/Certifications : 11.1
Enrollment micro-credentials/Graduate certifications : 1.5
(All numbers are in millions)
Source of data IPEDS (
We could only get fall enrollment numbers for graduate programs. There is enrollment in Spring session and our research showed that numbers to be 2.7m. Hence we calculated the total graduate enrollment to be 6.68m.
Graduate enrollment increased two percent or 54,000 students across all types of institutions, while undergraduates declined 2.3 percent or 351,000 students;
If you think these numbers are incorrect, we will me more than happy to fix it with the correct information.